Sailing to Matiu Somes Island 3 June 2024

Crew: Geoff, Jamie, Olivier, Juliette.

Forecast: Sourtherly 10-15 kts.

Monday was the ‘King’s Birthday’. Not sure what we’re actually celebrating. It’s not even his actual birthday but a good day to go out for a fun sail!

After a safety briefing for Olivier and Juliette as it was their first time on Halo, we cast off from Chaffers Marina at 1130 hrs. With Jamie on helm we hoisted the mainsail and no. 2 jib and headed out on a beam reach into the harbour. The southerly breeze picked up to about 15 kts after we passed Pt. Jerningham.

Olivier took a turn on helm doing a great job putting his windsurfing skills to good use.

We noticed a puff of smoke on Mt. Victoria and then heard the canon letting off the 21 gun salute for our English head of state. (Don’t get me started…)

After a call on the VHF from Doug on Coriander we agreed to meet with them for a raft-up on the club mooring on the north side of Matiu Somes Island.

We did a gybe to sail around Mokopuna island, dropped the sails and motored up to the buoy to join Doug and Margaret on Coriander in the lee of the island.

The wharf and the whole of Matiu/Somes Island is currently closed to visitors while the wharf is being rebuilt.

After a relaxing lunch and cups of tea and coffee and socialising we cast off again. We hoisted the mainsail and jib to sail around the west of the island back south towards Wellington.

Juliette did well on helm as we beat our way towards Lambton Harbour in a single tack.

We arrived back in our berth at Chaffers Marina at 1450 hrs and with everybody pitching in we soon had the jib packed up and gear all stowed away.

A lovely day out on the harbour and a good introduction for Olivier and Juliette to crewing on Halo. I look forward to sailing with you again!

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